Josh Casey

Josh Casey

Josh Casey performs a comedy juggling show packed with funny stunts, juggling, jokes and audience participation.

You’ll be laughing and having fun – all while being wowed by impressive comedic stunts. Josh is a comedian, juggler, and Guinness World Record holder and has spent years perfecting unique skills that leave guests amazed and amused.

What trumps it all is how Josh Involves The Audience in their seats and up on stage – in the middle of the action. The volunteers are stars of the show and they have a blast.

You want an entertainer who’s comfortable onstage, loves to work the crowd, and knows how to lay down a top-notch performance – every time. With Josh, you’ve got it. As one of the few and the proud who has put a degree in theater arts to good use, Josh has spent the past 20 years wowing guests of corporate events, performing at colleges around the nation, rocking the stage at vaudeville and comedy clubs. In Josh’s case, experience means expertise – he knows how to read a crowd, adapt to any situation, and deliver.

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